Well, here goes. It's the first post! Petalera is just starting up and are going to start recording some stuff pretty soon, check www.petalera.tk (there's a link at the bottom of this post if you're like me and too lazy to cut and paste) for updates and music.
So you want to know about me? Well, I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and hang out with my friends a lot. I play the guitar (a Washburn X20 out of a 15" Roland Amp) and also sing.
The latest CD I've bought is Damageplan - New Found Power! Go check out Damageplan at www.damageplan.com (no link, it's my first blog ever, I'll figure it out). And buy this amazing CD! My Word Is Law (don't you just love how everything I say sounds important?)!
Well, Happy Headbanging,